Monday, July 27, 2009

Microwave Therati Paal

When you are having guests over and don't have too much time to whip up a dessert, this is a perfect time saver. Therati Paal cooked traditionally requires a long time of stirring milk and paying constant attention to the stove. This sweet dish is special and is cooked for auspicious occasions too.
Thanks to the microwave, you can whip up this dessert in no time(9 mins to be precise) and can bring you raving praises!

1. condensed milk - 1 tin (approx 400 gms)
2. curd - 3 tbsp


1. Take a deep bowl and pour the condensed milk into a bowl. Ensure that the bowl is deep enough to let the condensed milk rise while microwaving.
2. Add the 3 tbsp of curd and mix it with a spoon
3. Microwave for 9 mins. Check periodically every 3 mins. Depending on your microwave power, it may thicken quickly. Once the mix thickens and browns, it is good to be removed. Usually the first 3 mins, the condensed milk tends to rise and boil over, watch out for that. But, it is ready to eat at the end of 9 mins!

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