Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vietnamese steamed fish in ginger and scallion sauce


1 knob or finger of ginger-julienned
4-5 stalks of scallions
12-14 oz. (340-400g) flat fish filets, such as tilapia, flounder, or sole(I used trout)
finely ground white pepper (do not substitute black pepper)
sea salt
2 tbsp. oil
2 tsp. soy sauce, preferably soy sauce labelled specifically for seafood (Chinese sources)


Chop the scalllions finely. I used the wok and a steamer to steam the fish. This contraption was put together by me and trust me, it served the purpose.

Steam the fish along with some scallions and some ginger till the fish turns white(opaque). This might take about 7 minutes.

Meanwhile heat a small skillet over medium high heat. Add oil, and heat until just beginning to smoke.

Remove ginger and scallion pieces, and place fish on a serving plate. Sprinkle with finely ground white pepper, and fresh julienned ginger and scallions.

Drizzle soy sauce over fish, then immediately top with sizzling peanut oil.


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